An Essential Guide to Bleeding Control in Schools — Tytek Group Skip to content
An Essential Guide to Bleeding Control in Schools

An Essential Guide to Bleeding Control in Schools

In recent years, the rise in school shootings has highlighted the critical importance of implementing effective bleeding control measures in educational institutions across the United States. The vital need for swift and efficient response to traumatic injuries, particularly those involving severe bleeding, has become a top priority for ensuring the safety and well-being of students, staff, and faculty members. Let’s take a look at this essential guide on bleeding control in schools, to ensure that you’re educated, equipped and prepared to save lives in case of a medical emergency.

The escalating concern of school shootings

The alarming surge in school shootings in the United States has ignited a sense of urgency to equip schools with the necessary tools and knowledge to address potential life-threatening situations. 

According to recent statistics there were at least 82 school shootings in 2023, the frequency of these incidents increasing year on year. ‘As of February 21 – the 52nd day of the year – there have been 13 school shootings in the United States in 2024.’

The potential for injuries resulting from gunshot wounds highlight a focus on bleeding control measures to save lives in the critical minutes before professional medical help arrives. A person can bleed out in as little as 5 minutes, so it’s especially key to be educated in this area, as you never know when you may be able to provide necessary first aid.

bleed control station in school

In many states, bleeding control training and equipment in schools are a legal requirement

Several states in the US have enacted legislation mandating schools to incorporate bleeding control training into their emergency preparedness programs as well as ensuring they have appropriate bleeding control supplies. The specifics of these requirements, however, vary from state to state.

For example, several states such as Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and New York have already introduced bills that would require installment for bleeding control kits in public schools or other government facilities. -

It is crucial for school administrators and educators to stay informed about the specific legal requirements in their respective states. Compliance with these regulations not only ensures a safe learning environment but also reflects a commitment to prioritizing the well-being of students and staff.

Integration of Bleeding Control into Emergency Preparedness Plans

In addition to legal requirements, many schools should be proactive in integrating bleeding control measures into their emergency preparedness plans. This could include conducting regular drills and simulations to practice responses to various emergency scenarios, including those involving severe bleeding.

Collaboration with local emergency services and medical professionals is also essential for schools to enhance their bleeding control protocols. Establishing a strong partnership with emergency medical supply providers is a great way to ensure that you have the appropriate bleeding control supplies in your school. 

Install Bleeding Control Stations in your school

Whether you’re in a state that requires bleed control equipment by law or not, it’s best to be prepared for any emergency you may come across, especially to protect children. TyTek Medical’s Bleeding Control Stations are a user-friendly option that can be wall mounted, providing point-of-injury access for when it matters most. Each wall mounted Bleeding Control Station contains eight Bleeding Control Kits and a disposable litter. 

The benefits:

  • The kits are perforated to ensure that they can be detached and opened quickly and easily.
  • ADA Compliant
  • Inspired and developed for the battlefield to ensure efficient bleeding control

Individually the kits contain:

1 Instructions For Use Card

2 Pairs of Nitrile Medical Gloves

1 Compression Bandage (6”)

2 Z-Fold Gauze

1 Pair of Piranha Trauma Shears (5.5”)

1 Windlass Tourniquet

1 Black Permanent Marker

Purchase the Bleeding Control Station HERE

Community Involvement and Awareness

Creating a culture of safety and preparedness extends beyond the school walls to involve the broader community. Engaging parents, local businesses, and community organizations in bleeding control initiatives can further strengthen the overall resilience of the community. Public awareness campaigns and workshops can empower individuals to become proactive contributors to a safer school environment.


From legal requirements to community involvement, a comprehensive strategy will ensure that schools are well-equipped to respond effectively to emergencies including bleeding control, thereby safeguarding the lives of those within their care.

Purchase the Bleeding Control Station HERE

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If you would like to learn more about becoming medically prepared or install bleeding control stations in your school, please get in touch and follow us on our social media to stay up to date.

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