A Guide to Handling Medical Emergencies at Large Entertainment Events — Tytek Group Skip to content
A Guide to Handling Medical Emergencies at Large Entertainment Events

A Guide to Handling Medical Emergencies at Large Entertainment Events

As the Spring season approaches, soon the festivals, exhibitions, and large gatherings are the norm. While the hope is always for a smooth and enjoyable experience, it's crucial to be prepared for the unexpected. There have been many terrible and shocking incidents involving severe medical emergencies including the 2017 Manchester Arena attack, the Astroworld festival crowd crush, and the Las Vegas strip mass shooting which was labeled as one of the deadliest of its kind in US modern history. With those in mind, it’s vital to ensure public and employee safety at all times. In this guide, we'll outline essential steps to take in the event of a severe emergency at large entertainment events, with a particular focus on bleeding control and the role of a zero responder.



Section 1: Emergency Preparedness

In the vast and diverse landscape of the entertainment industry, numerous businesses contribute to the creation of memorable and expansive events. Event organizers, concert promoters, festival coordinators, exhibition hall managers, and venue operators all play pivotal roles in bringing people together for immersive experiences. Additionally, production companies, lighting and sound professionals, catering services, and security firms contribute to the seamless execution of large-scale gatherings. 

The collaborative efforts of these entities bring to life a spectrum of events, from music festivals and trade shows to exhibitions and theatrical performances, offering attendees a diverse array of entertainment options. As the scale of these events continues to grow, the importance of robust emergency preparedness becomes increasingly evident, ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone involved.

Establish Emergency Protocols:

Prioritize safety by developing comprehensive emergency protocols. Collaborate with local authorities, security personnel, and medical professionals to create a well-coordinated plan. Ensure that all staff members are trained and aware of their roles in case of an emergency.

Communication is Key:

Implement effective communication systems to disseminate information quickly. This may include loudspeakers, digital signage, or mobile apps that can convey important instructions to attendees and staff members.

Conduct Regular Drills:

Practice makes perfect. Regularly conduct emergency drills to familiarize all involved parties with the procedures. This will improve response times and ensure that everyone knows their responsibilities during a crisis.


Section 2: Bleeding Control

First Aid Stations:

Establish easily accessible first aid stations equipped with essential supplies like bandages, gauze, tourniquets, and antiseptic solutions. Train designated personnel to handle bleeding injuries effectively, as a person can bleed out in as little as 5 minutes. 

You can also utilize bleeding control stations in an entertainment venue; each wall mounted TyTek Medical Bleeding Control Station contains eight Bleeding Control Kits and a disposable litter. The kits are perforated to ensure that they can be detached and opened quickly and easily, which is vital in an emergency situation.

Encourage Basic First Aid Knowledge:

Empower attendees by encouraging basic first aid knowledge. Provide information on how to apply pressure to stop bleeding, create makeshift tourniquets, and perform other simple yet life-saving actions. A useful term to add to your knowledge bank is the ‘platinum ten minutes’ which you can find more about here.

Emergency Medical Personnel:

Ensure that qualified medical personnel are strategically placed throughout the venue. Their quick response can make a significant difference in managing bleeding injuries and other medical emergencies.

Section 3: Zero Responder Role

Definition of a Zero Responder:

A zero responder is an individual who takes immediate action during an emergency, even before professional help arrives. This could be a staff member, volunteer, or an attendee with relevant training.

Empower Attendees to Act:

Encourage a culture of responsibility by empowering attendees to act as zero responders. Provide information on basic emergency response techniques, such as assisting others to safety, reporting incidents promptly, and offering aid when appropriate.



Zero Responder Training:

Offer basic zero responder training to select individuals, equipping them with the skills to assess situations, provide initial aid, and assist emergency responders upon their arrival.

In the world of entertainment, safety should always be at the forefront.

By taking proactive measures, implementing effective communication strategies, and educating both staff and attendees, we can significantly improve the response to severe emergencies at large gatherings. Whether it's bleeding control or the crucial role of zero responders, a well-prepared and coordinated approach can save lives and ensure a safer experience for everyone involved.

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