The Importance of the 'Platinum Ten Minutes' in an Emergency Situation — Tytek Group Skip to content
The Importance of the ‘Platinum Ten Minutes’ in an Emergency Medical Situation

The Importance of the ‘Platinum Ten Minutes’ in an Emergency Medical Situation

In any medical emergency, the first few minutes are often the most critical. These initial moments, often referred to as the "platinum ten minutes," can make a significant difference in the outcome of a patient's condition. Whether it's a car accident, severe bleeding or any other medical crisis, the actions taken during this crucial window can be a matter of life and death. In this blog, we will explore the significance of the ‘platinum ten minutes’ in emergency medical situations and why every second counts.


The importance of the 'Platinum Ten Minutes' in an Emergency Medical Situation

Defining the Platinum Ten Minutes

 The term "platinum ten minutes" refers to the first ten minutes following a medical emergency or traumatic event. During this time, medical professionals and first responders are focused on rapidly assessing the situation, initiating appropriate interventions, and stabilizing the patient. The goal is to address life-threatening issues promptly to increase the chances of a positive outcome.

’No patient should have more than 10 min of scene-time stabilization by the prehospital team prior to transport to definitive care at a trauma center.’ -


Two critical phases of the Platinum Ten Minutes 

In medical emergencies, time is a precious commodity. The platinum ten minutes can be broken down into two critical phases: the "golden minute" and the "platinum nine minutes."

1. The Golden Minute: This refers to the first 60 seconds after an emergency occurs. During this time, the primary focus is on assessing the patient's condition and initiating basic life-saving interventions. Immediate actions may include checking for responsiveness, calling for help, and starting CPR if necessary. In cases like a severe bleed, the chance of survival decreases significantly with every passing second without intervention.

2. The Platinum Nine Minutes: After the initial golden minute, the following nine minutes are equally crucial. During this time, first responders and medical personnel aim to stabilize the patient further. This may involve administering medications, controlling bleeding, immobilizing fractures, or providing oxygen. The goal is to prevent the patient's condition from deteriorating and buy more time for advanced medical care. 


Key Actions During the Platinum Ten Minutes

Several key actions take place during the platinum ten minutes, especially if you’re a zero responder waiting for medical personnel to come:

Assessment: Rapidly assessing the patient's condition is paramount. Zero responders check for signs of life, responsiveness, and vital signs such as pulse, breathing rate, and blood pressure. 

Call for Help: Notifying emergency medical services (EMS) or calling 911 is critical during this phase. A prompt response from trained medical professionals is essential for the patient's survival.

Basic Life Support (BLS): For conditions like cardiac arrest, starting CPR immediately can mean the difference between life and death. BLS techniques aim to maintain blood circulation and oxygenation until advanced care arrives. 

Control Bleeding: In cases of severe bleeding, stopping blood loss is a priority. This may involve applying pressure, using tourniquets, or dressing wounds to prevent further hemorrhage.


Bleeding control station


TyTek Medical have developed the PTENSYS (Platinum TEN SYStem) range to meet your emergency preparedness challenges head-on. We understand that access and convenience are paramount in these times of need, which is why we have created user-friendly bleeding control pouches that can be attached to your belt, as well as bleeding control stations that can be wall mounted. Our award-winning stations are perfect for either the workplace or home, with the STANDARD Version Containing 8 Bleeding Control Kits ready for use.

With the right wound, a person can bleed to death in as little as five minutes. The median time for EMS to arrive at your door after making the initial call is six minutes in suburban and urban settings and 13 minutes in rural communities.

 Download our free brochure here


The Impact of Timely Intervention

The importance of the platinum ten minutes cannot be overstated. Research and real-world experiences consistently show that swift action during this critical period significantly improves patient outcomes. Here are some examples of how timely intervention can make a difference: 

Stroke: Administering clot-busting medications within the first few hours of an ischemic stroke can minimize brain damage and improve long-term outcomes.

Cardiac Arrest: Survival rates for cardiac arrest decrease by 10% with every minute that passes without CPR. Administering CPR during the golden minute can double or triple the chances of survival. 

Traumatic Injuries: In cases of severe trauma, such as car accidents, rapid assessment and bleeding control can prevent excessive blood loss and reduce the risk of complications. 

Stroke: Administering clot-busting medications within the first few hours of an ischemic stroke can minimize brain damage and improve long-term outcomes.


Head injury



The platinum ten minutes are a critical period in any medical emergency. During this time, every second counts, and the actions taken can determine whether a patient survives or not. Timely assessment, intervention, and calling for professional help are all vital components of ensuring the best possible outcomes. 

As individuals, we can contribute to this by learning basic life-saving skills like CPR and by being prepared to act in emergencies. Ultimately, understanding the importance of the platinum ten minutes is not just a matter of knowledge; it's a matter of saving lives.

Purchase the Bleeding Control Station HERE

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